Jan - My beautiful wife; the reason I both wake in the morning and have a sprig of gray hair. The vessel of our progeny, she works full-time in the public school system in an administrative capacity and attends school part-time in order to earn her second (terminal) graduate degree.
BGA - The current term of endearment we use in order to refer to our little bundle of joy; an acronym, it stands for "Baby Girl A" ('A' being the first letter of our last name; allowing us to preserve a respectable amount of internet anonymity).
Camden - Our sprightly, sassy 3.5-year-old shibador (shiba inu + labrador). The only child we'll ever have that we can leave alone at home for a couple hours without having the cops called on us. She seems to be aware that a change is coming, but probably not entirely sure to what degree.
Tim (myself) - Essentially, the sperm donor thus far. Attending school full-time to earn my terminal graduate degree and working a few jobs part-time (academic and non-academic) in order to not give my loving wife a reason to run out the door into the waiting arms of... Bradley Cooper, from what I've heard.
As others make their entrances into our drama, I will introduce them accordingly.
It is of note to the reader that Jan and I are in a real, true-life marriage; not a sitcom relationship. Nothing is resolved in 23 minutes (plus commercial breaks). We squabble, whine, fight, complain, and nitpick; most importantly though, we also talk, discuss, process, forgive, and love. We've been married (as of this posting) for 6.5 years, and dated for 6 years before that. Exactly one week into our marriage, we had a massive fight (over something so trivial that we can't even really remember anymore). When it was over, we made a pact to ourselves that we would forever more after that be 100% upfront and honest with each other, and talk about absolutely everything, keeping no secrets and delivering no hidden messages. This has since worked out unbelievably well for us, and our relationship couldn't be any stronger; however, our interaction style has been known to intimidate others before. We use sarcasm, biting inflection, swears, and other linguistic tools to add a little excitement to our conversations; rest assured though, I would not be posting about ourselves on the internet if I didn't have full faith in our relationship and our (pending) family.
Additionally: this blog will be as real as possible. As the husband of a pregnant woman, I struggle to count the number of meals in the past 6 months where we haven't discussed bathrooming or mucous. Anyone with kids probably understands this. Anyone without kids probably just thromited*. This is a pregnancy blog. Pregnancy is amazing. ...but it ain't always beautiful.
*Thromit: my personal portmanteau of "throat + vomit". A word I made up for when you get that vomit taste in the back of your mouth.
So if you're game, come join us on our adventure! Please add your own notes or suggestions if you have an experience you would like us to hear, and feel free to share our story if you would like. Welcome!
So pleased and proud to be a (small) part of this journey! We love you all very much!